Konrad-Adenauer-Forum Berlin

The exhibition

Konrad Adenauer. First Federal Chancellor

The multimedia exhibition explores the democratic reconstruction of West Germany, in which Konrad Adenauer was a defining figure - as the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1949 to 1963.

The interactive, multimedia exhibition brings the statesman and his visionary policies to life. It shows the extent to which the Adenauer era – with its crises and accomplishments – continues to shape German society today.


Your visit

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Guides tours & Workshops

Would you like to visit us with a group? Book your free guided tours and workshops here. 

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Key topics of the exhibition

Ecke der Ausstellung mit hochformatigem Bildschirm und Großfoto, das Adenauer vor seinem Schreibtisch zeigt


Adenauer shaped the democratic reconstruction of West Germany. He was elected the first Federal Chancellor on 15 September 1949. His policies brought stability to post-war society and built trust in the new state.

Ausstellungswand, Freiheitsglocken an der Decke, Fotos und Objekte an der Wand


Adenauer aligned the Federal Republic firmly with the West, and it became a sovereign state in 1955. His closest partner was the USA – and he defended the freedom of West Berlin during the power struggles of the Cold War.

eine Frau im Vordergrund betrachtet eine Medienstation der Ausstellung, eine Frau im Hintergrund biegt um die Ecke


A united Europe is among Adenauer's principal concerns. The European community grew step for step - his key legacy, like the Franco-German friendship.

As if you were there!

This elaborate 360 degree show lets you accompany Konrad Adenauer, Willy Brandt and John F. Kennedy as they drive through Berlin. It gives you a first-hand experience of the jubilant crowds during the legendary visit of the U.S. President in 1963.

Drei Personen sitzen in einem nachgebauten Lincoln. An großen Bildschirmen sieht man eine Menschenmenge und Konrad Adenauer.