Usage & Forms

The archive is open to all interested parties as part of a foundation under public law with direct government funding.
You can send orders for scans or copies of documents, stating your signature. The service is free up to a limit of 25 items.
Please send your questions to archiv(at)
You can fill in our user application form in advance or on the day you use the archive.
You can find our terms of use here.
Opening hours by agreement. Please contact us at archiv(at) We will try to find an individually suitable usage date with you.
The archive is located at Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 17 in 53604 Bad Honnef–Rhöndorf. (Google Maps)
You can reach the archive by public transport either by tram line 66 or by train (RB 27 or RE 8) to the Rhöndorf stop. The 566 bus route also stops there. The approximately 10-minute walk to Adenauerhaus is signposted.
The archive is around 200 m from Adenauerhaus and the foundation’s exhibition building.
You will find parking here.
You can view the files by prior arrangement in a quiet and separate area of the museum. There is a lift here and wheelchair-accessible toilets.
Personal support on our part, for example reading out the sources or turning pages in files, is possible by arrangement. Do you need further assistance? Please contact us! We will implement your suggestions wherever possible.